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  • Hank

Allegan Elk's Lodge

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Let's get our drink on - as one does at an Elk's Lodge...just kidding. That's not why we are here. That's not what this story is about. Although, I could tell you a few drinking stories...if ya want.

Update: we stopped there on our way home from another Hank’s Lore story investigation. And got a pic..

This is a Mr. Hank's Lore recommendation. Actually, I call him Karen. I guess, he told me about this one being haunted a long time ago, like when we started dating. But, I guess I didn't listen. Because I was listening to some true crime podcast and they were talking about it and I brought it up to him and he was like yeah, I already told you this. I don't remember the I figured it was time to tell the story of this haunted place.

The Allegan Elk's Lodge was build in 1909 and started as John Robinson Hospital. The building was a Greek Structure, and was built in an architecture that was ahead of it's time. It still has the "timeless" look.

This hospital was built to be used as a tuberculosis ward, and as a place to offer psychiatric services. And, for awhile this please was booming. Dr. John Robinson had tunnels built under the hospital that would allow him to travel between the hospital and his home so he could be with patients as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

Between 1925 & 1935 this hospital really makes something of itself...and not in your traditional way. John Robinson Hospital becomes involved with bootlegging and with organized crime. It becomes a legit mob hospital. This Allegan hospital is now a prime spot to treat Al Capone.

This would make sense because Chicago is only like 4 hours from this part of Michigan. And, no law would come looking for organized crime in Michigan. So, this was a perfect location for the mob to get fixed up.

Well, the mobsters would also use the basement in the hospital - well one specific room in the basement - as an interrogation room. And, from the reports that I read there was unspeakable things happening in this room. Which might explain why there is said to be hauntings in this building.

The hospital closed completely in 1948. It then sat completely empty with its ghosts and sad stories. In 1961 the building was bought and turned into the Allegan Elk's Lodge. In June 2010 owners changed again.

Now for the paranormal stuff:

Many of the paranormal happenings in this building are attributed to the mob dealings. A lot are blamed on the TB and psych patients. But, who knows why any living thing hangs around long after they pass on.

Some of the things that people have experienced throughout the years are:

Cabinets opening and closing on their own

Sounds of children laughing

Shadow Figures

Indiscernible Conversations


Feelings of being slapped

"Hospital" sounds

Full apparition of children

Many different paranormal researchers have visited and tested out their equipment to try and catch different things on camera. And, I was quite intrigued.

Tell me what you think.



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