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  • Hank

Michigan's Monster

Monster's are known to be everywhere. They come in all shapes and sizes. They live in the woods, under your bed, and in the water. The monster of this story comes from the ever so beautiful Torch lake. Seriously, its beautiful.

Torch Lake is just northeast of Traverse City. It is HUGE. It stretches over 19 miles and is 285 feet deep. It is crystal clear and has a beautiful turquoise tint. It is a majestic place to check out. But, it is also a majestic place to breed a monster too...right?

The Torch Lake Monster sightings and stories started in the 1960's and 1970's. They seem to have been started by a gentleman names Dave Foley. He was a fisherman, a teacher, coach and counselor at Camp Hayo-Went-Ha. This camp is on Torch Lakes northern edge.

According to stories this monster has been sited late at night. It has one brown eye and one blue eye. The body of this monster is covered in goo that is described as "icky and green." The monster is known to terrorize boaters, swimmers, and any campers that venture to places that they are not supposed to be. Or, where the monster believes that they are not supposed to be.

The lake is incredibly deep so its not surprising that it could breed such a beast. It is home to some pretty incredibly large fish, such as a 50 pound muskellunge. The Torch Lake Monster supposedly lives at the very bottom of Torch lake. The legend of this monster says that this beast has fed off of the fish in this lake. And, possibly by some of the people who have drowned in this lake.

In one tale of this monster the monster is referred to as a "sea panther". Its described as having a lizard's body with a cat's head. There is even a song written about the Torch Lake Monster.

What do you think? Could a Monster live in such a pretty place??


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